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For Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, and Social Workers

There are many things that parents and other caregivers can do to keep their loved ones with autism safe. This training session also emphasizes the role of first responders and what caregivers can do to prepare their family members for emergencies and make these unforeseen interactions more successful.

Topics Covered:

  • Risks caregivers should be aware of, including wandering
  • Preparing for an emergency ahead of time
  • Safety tools such as child info sheets, occupant with autism decals, 911 premise alerts, etc.
  • Home security and tracking systems
  • Search and rescue protocol
  • Meeting and partnering with your first responders
  • Working with the schools
  • Success in the community
  • Resources

Learner Objectives:

  • Provide caregivers with a set of tools they can use to help keep their loved one safe, both within their home and in the community
  • Enable caregivers to communicate with local police, fire, and EMS to discuss the individual's specific needs
  • Help caregivers to prepare for unforeseen emergencies to ensure the best outcome
  • Learn how to work with schools, the workplace, and/or the place of residence to put an emergency plan in place for the individual with autism

NOTE: This course assumes that the audience has a working knowledge of what autism is. If you are not familiar with autism and are hoping to learn more about it, please attend the First Responder course.

Training Modules

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